Friday, August 14, 2009

Understanding Charracter Stats.

Here's a quick explanation of what a certain stat of a character does. IAH Games is yet to reveal what each stat exactly do. The information on the stat is mostly taken from characters who have reached veteran status and is experimenting with various stat point with Cash Shop Items.

Strenght affects the attack power of melee weapons. Just like in most MMORPG, this stat is included in damage calculation of melee weapons. In Granado Espada, strenght also translates to the ability of skills to be able to deal a knockdown or a knock-back blow. It is said to have an effect on the attack speed of heavy weapons (these are Great Swords, Polearms, and Maces).

Agility affects the characters attack speed and physical evasion rate. The more points on AGI a character have the faster he/she will be able to attack. AGI also doesn't seem to have any use for Catherine the Summoneer RNPC and Jack or Diego's constructions (Rotating Blade, Turrets etc..).

Constitution or Health points translates as a character's total hit points. The more points on CON/HP you have the more health your character will have. Every point on CON/HP can cancel the effectiveness of knockdown from skill.

Dexterity affects the damage output of range weapons. Dexterous characters has better accuracy, block rate and critical rating. Light weapons (they are Daggers, Mains Gauches, Knuckles, Gaiters, Javelins to name a few) seem to benefit from the DEX stat as well giving them better attack speed.

Intelligence greatly affects magic users. The INT stat affects the destructive power of magic attacks. This does not increase the total SP (spell points) of your character, leveling them does. Intelligence also raises the characters resistance to elemental attacks.

Charisma affects the strenght of summoned monsters.

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